Member Benefits

We take good care of our members. Members get access to our courses at discounted rates as well as get discounts at Manduka and the Book Depository.

Manduka  Discount

Members get 15% Discount off all Manduka merchandise.

Online Courses Discount

Members get a nice discount off the regular price for courses.

Events Discount

Members get a nice discount off the regular price for retreats and conferences.

Jobs Referral System

Members get job referrals from our network of studios looking for instructors.

Yoga Library is a caring community where we do all we can to help our members, if you ever need help with course selection, career progression or have any questions about yoga, please contact us we would love to hear from you and help you out.

Contact Us

Are you suffering from back pain, obesity, diabetes, asthama, stress and more .... Contact us below ....

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